Asociación Pro Derechos Humanos de Andalucía

, by  Asociación Pro Derechos Humanos

We are a non-profit, pluralistic, secular and independent association, founded in 1990, on the basis of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UN, 1948). We operate in Andalusia, although our activity may have a universal scope because human rights are the heritage of all mankind.

Within APDHA, we claim the full validity of the Universal Declaration as an instrument for the transformation of consciences and society itself, denouncing its non-observance through all the tools at our disposal.

We develop our work through four main actions:

1) Raising awareness. A society without critical awareness and the capacity to react is a society that is easily manipulated, in which rights are easily restricted. We inform and train on the values defended by the Universal Declaration in order to build a more just and united society.

2) Denunciation. We analyse the reality from the point of view of those who suffer the violation of rights in society, focusing on excluded groups, while seeking to identify responsibilities. Through social denunciation, we want to influence public policies related to the causes of exclusion. We work on strategic cases to promote legal changes.

3) Elaboration of alternatives and work proposals to improve these situations of violation of rights.

4) Support, accompaniment and solidarity with people and groups in situations of violation of rights.

View online : Asociación Pro Derechos Humanos de Andalucía



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