As part of the Maghreb Social Forum process, nearly a hundred associations, networks and trade unions have referred to the Permanent Peoples’ Tribunal (PPT) to organize a session of the Tribunal on violations of migrants’ rights in the Maghreb. Our request has been accepted by the PPT and its session on the Maghreb and the Mediterranean Sea will be held in the beginning during the first quarter of 2020 in Tunis.

The Permanent People’s Tribunal on violations of migrants’ rights in the Maghreb and the Mediterranean Sea aims to identify and judge the chain of co-responsibilities for the violations of human rights all along migration trajectories. The PPT monitoring committee composed of the Tunisian Forum for Economic and Social Rights (FTDES) and the Moroccan Alternative Forum (FMAS) wishes to draw on the experience of the people most involved and directly affected as well as researchers and organizations of migrants or people working on migration.

All migrants and organizations of migrants or people working on migration are called upon to contribute to the PPT by submitting testimonies and expert reports before December 15th, using the following methodology: Complete the attached document "Testimonial Sheet" and send it back to the session Secretariat:

Forum Tunisien pour les Droits Economiques et Sociaux (FTDES) : ;

Forum des Alternatives Maroc (FMAS) :

View online : Forum Tunisien pour les Droits Economiques et Sociaux

Testimony sheet attached below:
