China’s Environmental Activism in the Age of Globalization

, par  Asian Politics & Policy, LEI Xie

This article explores the impact of globalization on China’s environmental activism by analyzing the development of Chinese environmental activism and assessing its links with the transnational environmental movement. It uses the case of Beijing to examine the characteristics, evolution, organizational development, and environmental identity of a green community. Two influential campaigns are presented and compared to illustrate the different movement repertoires employed, which are related to the extent that Chinese environmentalists are involved in the transnational environmental movement. The article concludes that Chinese environmental activists have been actively interacting with the transnational environmental movement, and this has influenced the identification of their issues of concern and the development of their strategies. However, Chinese involvement in the transnational environmental movement is still limited, owing to China’s political conditions as well as the movement’s early stage of development.

see attached pdf file

Xie, L. (2011). China’s Environmental Activism in the Age of Globalization. Asian Politics & Policy, 3(2), 207-224
