Elsewhere on the web

The section « Elsewhere on the web » proposes each month, one or two texts selected according to their interest in supplying the general debate on the situation and the alternatives from the perspective of social movements. A link to the first publication website will be posted on each article. This section is supplemented by texts proposed by partner sites, not exceeding one or two texts per site and per month.

The Headlines

Publications selected by Intercoll

Gaza is Europe here and now

, by Boaventura de Sousa Santos

(...) Ultimately, this brutal policy is legitimized by what I have called the abyssal line, the line that has separated full-fledged human beings from those considered subhuman since the beginning of colonial expansion. It’s no coincidence that we hear Israeli officials refer to Palestinians as animals.

The need for a new development paradigm

, by MESTRUM Francine

‘We need to put the world back on track’! The objective of the SDG-summit to be held at the UN General Assembly Meeting in September in New York is very clear. Halfway on the road to 2030, the end date for the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, the future looks rather bleak.

Feminism’s insistence on truth, reparation and non-repetition 50 years after the coup

, by La Neta

After the political scenario that the last elections showed us, we have been reflecting on how to reach out to people who have not felt called by us. This, without giving up our determination and capacity to question and fight for more democracy in the country, at home and in bed, in all the spaces we inhabit; and to fight for reparation for the victims and survivors of the civil-military dictatorship and the trial and punishment of those responsible.

Europe in a state of denial

, by Boaventura de Sousa Santos

The European political class as a whole is in a state of denial. Polarization between ideologically different political parties tends to occur in an ever narrowing circle of political views and solutions. There is a clear difference between parties that defend rights and parties that attack rights (in the case of the far right), but is this enough to distinguish the left from the right? It will certainly not be enough to face the two great challenges that question to the limit both the relationship between humanity and nature and human coexistence.

Argentina on the brink of disaster? An economic approach to the Argentine crisis

, by Pierre Salama

In Argentina, because of its inability or unwillingness to take the necessary measures, out of fear of the anger they might arouse, out of demagoguery, out of ignorance of the seriousness of the crisis, and finally because of a lack of rationality within the government due to the opposition between President Alberto Fernandez (Fernandez: 10 December 2019...) and Vice-President Cristina Kirchner, both Peronists, Argentina is today paying a high price for the economic policy it has pursued in recent years.

Participatory democracy in Brazil: a new paradigm

, by Sonia Fleury

The meeting for the Popular Action Plan CPX - Complexo do Alemão showed that Brazil needs to radicalise direct participation. What mechanisms exist? What limits them? How can we build a genuine democracy in response to fascism and the logic of the markets?

Most read

François Houtart: A sociology of liberation

, by Geoffrey Pleyers

François Houtart died in June 2016, leaving a considerable work and a legacy for interpreters and researchers who want to bring their contribution to a more just and cohesive world. This article analyzes the fundamental principles of his work and his contributions to contemporary social sciences.

Migrations, a Vanishing Horizon

, by Mohamed Samih Beji Okkaz, Orient XXI

Within the framework of the Independent Media Network on the Arab World, the site Orient XXI publishes a dossier of 7 articles on migration in French, English and Arabic. Intercoll has selected two articles from this dossier, also published in the three languages.

The zapatista uprising, 30 years on

, by Bernard Duterme, CETRI

Thirty years after the uprising of 1 January 1994, the question arises : is the battle half-lost or half-won ? While the rebels of Chiapas may not have succeeded in reforming Mexico’s constitution, decolonising its institutions or even gaining a foothold in the country’s political scene, they have nonetheless given unprecedented local, national and international visibility to peasant and Indigenous struggles for redistribution and autonomy.

Faced with the crisis in Venezuela: what to do?

, by Plateforme altermondialiste

Venezuela is in a serious social, economic and political crisis. The death of Hugo Chávez, who had "rebuilt" the country in 1999, coincided with a catastrophic decline in oil prices, which accounted for 90% of the country’s exports and income. Meanwhile, the governance of his successor Nicolás Maduro has significantly aggravated the impacts of this crisis. With the threat of intervention by the United States, which would like to destroy this country in the name of "human rights" and "democracy", the situation is even more serious. Such an intervention would not only destroy the government, but would also crush an entire people and their progressive forces.

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