Get involved

As we announced and discussed at length with many of you, this website is participatory. It aims to serve the debates initiated by the social movements. Each section is then supplied by actors from these movements - in other words by you. At any time and from now, we propose to give us comments and remarks that would allow us to improve it.

Desirous to highlight the diversity of social movements engaged in building another world, we wanted this website to be multilingual. It is currently available in English, Arabic, Spanish, Portuguese, French and Mandarin. The articles published on the website are published in the language chosen by the author, with translations available. Each section is constituted with a summary of ten lines translated into six languages. Access to translation software allows to go further with the possibility of requesting, in his language, clarification to avoid misunderstandings with automatic translations.

The project is organized from five steps which that are constitute all ways to contribute and participate. The website is organized into five sections which reflect these five steps.

The first step is the one of questioning. Each member of the network can propose to the collective discussion a question that social movements are asking, could or should be asking.

To do so :
• You can send a one-page text(3 to 5000 characters) which introduce the question to be debated, the reasons why and a brief indication of how to do it.
• The text is published on the website section "Partner" in the language received with one or more translations in other languages.
• The text is referenced by keywords and published in the list of questions. A summary of ten lines is translated into the languages of the website. The section will therefore present a policy survey of questions of social movements.
• Network members may react to this text to comment it. They may propose amendments that may be accepted by the first editor. Comments are published following the text.
• Network members can send articles and some references to support questioning. These articles and references will be indexed and added to the text referenced on the website.
• Members who desire it will be put in contact and will organize a self-organized working group.
• Once the debate will be initiated and that a significant number of articles will be published, the debate will be supported by an existing workgroup or created.

To consolidate this approach, partners from several regions and on several themes will be invited to participate. It will include websites, magazines and publishing houses working with the movements. We seek to involve between 100 and 200 correspondents within two years.

For each partner website, we will put on the website a presentation from four to five lines with the link to the partner site. We will ask a correspondent of this partner website to commit to write every six months a text from 3-5000 characters on a question, which can be treated by them, indicating why movements should ask this question and how to treat it. This text will be published on the wall of questions with a summary in the six languages. If other people are showing interest, they can join the work in progress or participate in the creation of a self-directed intellectual working group.

The second approach is the one of the working groups. You will find a presentation of these working groups in the website, to which you are invited to participate. Each section is in fact participatory and designed like a self-directed space of intellectual debate of social movements. You can also at any time propose the opening of a new working group, so the website makes visible the debate. Specifically, for each already open project, each project participant is invited to forward articles, links to websites or contact information of authors who could contribute to the construction in progress.

The third approach is the ongoing survey on the strategy of social movements. We ask people linked to the movement to share discussions on the strategy of movements and adaptation of these strategies to changing situations. All those interested can contact the team following the survey on the strategy of movement and on the convergence of these strategies.

You can also contribute to other initiatives: propose texts that seem fundamental in the section "To read elsewhere"; propose the participation to some events; cotribute to the diary.

We recommend you to register on the mailing list for the newsletter which reports the evolution of the project.

We remain at your disposal for any clarification,

The Intercoll website team
