Our March Selection WG Hip hop and Social Mouvements

, by  PeopleKonsian

This dossier on hip hop and social movements presents different artists whose music is closely linked to their political and activist commitment. Their music and lyrics are inextricably linked to their origins and the struggles for the rights of their communities that stem from them.

. Emission « Frontline » du 12 octobre 2018 with Nataanii Means, Tufawon et le CSIA-Nitassinan

In this interview, artists Tufawon and Nataanii Means talk about their relationship to music, as well as the link between their music, their origins and the activist struggles in which they are involved, particularly concerning the rights of indigenous peoples.

. « Fighting at the border » - Interview with Alas, rapper and activist xicana Interview on 4 november 2017 by PeopleKonsian

In this interview, artists Tufawon and Nataanii Means talk about their relationship to music, as well as the link between their music, their origins and the activist struggles in which they are involved, particularly concerning the rights of indigenous peoples.

. Interview with the Togolese rapper Elom 20ce

Interview on 30 december 2014 by BBoyKonsian & le Collectif Angles Morts.

In this interview, African rapper of Congolese origin and pan-African and human rights activist Elom presents his committed vision of music and his activist projects.

. Clip Mare Advertencia Lirika "Se busca"

In this music video, rapper and feminist activist Mare Advertencia addresses the struggle of Mexican families fighting for justice on the subject of enforced disappearances.

. Clip « 13’12 contre les violences policières » published on 13/12/20

In this video clip of the rap song 13’12, 33 rappers strongly denounce police and racist violence and support the victims and families of victims.

. « EJM The dangerous element »

Documentary available since 16 November 2020, produced by So Fresh Hip Hop Show

In this documentary, EJM looks back on his career and his entry into the world of Hip Hop in the 1980s. He also discusses the history and evolution of Hip Hop.


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