For more than 100 years, la Ligue des droits humains (LDH) has been fighting, in complete independence from the political authorities, against violations of fundamental rights in Belgium. As a counter-power, the LDH observes, informs and calls upon public authorities and citizens to remedy situations that infringe fundamental rights.
The LDH promotes the principles of equality, freedom and solidarity, as well as the fundamental rights of all persons, adults and children, in Belgium. It actively defends access for all to fair justice, education, work... to a dignified life. To do so, it always relies on legal texts, signed and ratified by the Belgian State and therefore binding (such as the European Convention on Human Rights, the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union or the Convention on the Rights of the Child).
As a recognized association for continuing education (since 2007), it raises awareness among the widest possible public about social issues related to human rights with the aim of emancipation. The LDH intends to give everyone the means to become critical and responsible citizens.