The Movement of People Affected by Dams has a long history of resistance, struggles and achievements. It was born in the 1980s, through experiences of local and regional organization, facing threats and aggressions suffered in the implementation of hydroelectric projects. Later it became a national organization and today, besides fighting for the rights of those affected, it claims a Popular Energy Project to change at the root all the unjust structures of this society.
As an organization, we are the fruit of a long work of collective construction. Because we do not accept injustices, the destruction of nature and are certain that we can live better, we organize and fight, with much sacrifice, facing powerful enemies who only exploit us, oppress us and expel us from our communities.
MAB is defined as a national, autonomous, mass, fighting movement, with regional faces, without distinction of skin color, gender, sexual orientation, religion, political party or level of education. We are an organization with collective participation and protagonism at all levels. Our objective is to organize those affected by dams (before, during or after the construction of the enterprises).