Mémoire des luttes

, by  Mémoire des luttes

Memory of struggles is an association created at the initiative of Gunter Holzmann on January 7, 2000, and whose mission is specified in the preamble of the statutes, "Gunter Holzmann, always engaged in the struggles for a freer, fairer, more equal, more fraternal and solidary world, intends to act, beyond himself, to continue these battles and keep their memory alive. ". Gunter Holzmann, passed away on January 6, 2001 at the age of 89.

Since 2008, Memory of struggles is developing an online information website. It is devoted to the monitoring and analysis of new experiences of democratic transformation, social, political, cultural and ecological, emerging in the world - particularly in Latin America and the South countries. It also contributes to the identification and promotion of new critical thoughts.

This project is conducted by Memory of struggles against the current of a dominant media system which - when not ignore them- addresses superficially or with hostility the action and struggles of social movements. That is why our non profit website, that gives multilingual information and analysis, publishes the contributions - some exclusives – of actors of these movements, as well as those of intellectuals, academics and journalists from several continents.

Mémoire des luttes: www.medelu.org/
