Science, who has progressively become technoscience, was for several centuries the driving force behind emancipation, and is now a formidable power. To serve the well-being of all human beings on our planet, this power requires more than just the will to know, the desire for power or the logic of profit. After the era of "mastery of nature", the era of "mastery of science", of scientific citizenship, must therefore come.
"Sciences Citoyennes" aims to promote and extend the current movement of citizen and democratic reapropriation of science, for the common goods.
It aims in particular to :
- The increasing of civil society’s research capacity and expertise, by associative, consumerists, unions and citizens. We’re helping the constitution of a third scientific sector in answer to social and ecological needs who has been neglicted by the main scientific orientations whether by the state or by the private sector.
- Stimulate freedome of speech and debate in the scientific world, the support for whistleblower and the development of public controversy ans "hybrid forums" on subjects with a high scientific technicity. Far from the timid fears of public intervention and technocratic logic, pluralism and controversy are the source not only of a better exploration of worlds and, consequently, of better decisions, but also of an active appropriation of scientific knowledge by the public.
- To promote the elaboration of democratic scientifical and technical choices. We promote public debate on public policies about research, technology and expertise. We will also conduct a careful analysis of the new deliberative mechanisms that are multiplying in order to support those that promote a true technical democracy.