Sciences, Société, Démocratie

7 articles

  • All India People’s Science Network

    , by All India Peoples Science Network

    The All India Peoples Science Network is a network of over forty Peoples Science organisations spread all over the country. . It has been involved in programmes focused on encouraging local area planning and resource mapping and carried the message of local capability building for self-reliance.

  • ETC Group

    , by ETC Group

    ETC Group is dedicated to the conservation and sustainable advancement of cultural and ecological diversity and human rights. To this end, ETC Group supports socially responsible developments of technologies useful to the poor and marginalized and it addresses international governance issues and corporate power.

  • Global University for Sustainability

    , by Global University for Sustainability

    In response to our crisis-ridden epoch, the initiative of Global University for Sustainability (Global U) supports the proliferation of autonomous and self-managing local bodies and their interdependent networking for ecological and socio-economic sustainability with justice.

  • Renanosoma

    , by Renanosoma

    Research Network in Nanotechnology, Society and Environment - RENANOSOMA. This network is (...)

  • Focus on the Global South

    , by Focus on the Global South

    Focus on the Global South is an alterglobalist organisation who develops and spread analysis, propositions, and informations in order to promote social and ecological sustainability of our societies.


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