The Great Transition: Building UtopiasOnline, May 20 to 23 2021
Global Dialogue is happy to share an invitation to this upcoming symposium organized by one of our founding partners, The Great Transition Collective. The event seeks to bring together activists and academics to discuss postcapitalist alternatives.
Now is the time to act. The multi-faceted crisis we are going through requires the creation of new utopias. This is why The Great Transition invites you to reflect on alternative models and new political strategies in tune with our current situation.
The program will feature over 30 activities in total, namely four plenary sessions which will be translated into English, French and Spanish:
- Advancing Towards Socialism (May 20, 6:30PM Eastern Time)
- Pandemics, Ecology and Capitalism (May 21, 6:30PM Eastern Time)
- Convergence of Struggles (May 22, 12:30PM Eastern Time)
- Postcapitalism: What Role for the Market and What Role for Planning? (May 23, 1:30PM Eastern Time)
Some other notable activities include:
- Crisis, Conflict, and State Power: Contemporary Latin American Capitalism
- The time for new global organizations to confront global capitalism?
- Rojava, Chiapas and Argentina: Remaking Democracy, From Below and to the Left
For the conference schedule (with Zoom links):
The symposium will be accessible free of charge! The conference organizers are simply asking for voluntary contributions to support the event:
We hope to see you there!