
8 articles

  • BDS victories in 2018 reflect a growing movement

    , by Nadia Elia

    Most people date the global boycott campaign to end South African apartheid to the 1980s. What is frequently omitted is that, while it picked up most in the 1980s, the call for boycotts was not issued in the 1980s, but in 1959.

    Today, we are witnessing a similar grassroots phenomenon in Palestine, as throughout the country, acts of resistance are bubbling up to the surface. However, we must note that one of the more encouraging aspects of these breakthroughs is that most were accomplished by local individuals, groups, and coalitions with no direct involvement from the “leaders” of the BDS movement, the steering collectives of various groups focused on BDS.

    This is extremely significant on its own terms, but also illustrates that the many years of political discussion that were catalyzed by the 2005 Palestinian call for BDS against Israel are bearing fruit.

  • Future Scenarios for Israel-Palestine

    , by Marcelo Svirsky, Ronnen Ben-Arie

    Shared life of Jews and Arabs did exist in Historic Palestine prior to the Zionist settlement and to some extent maintained through the first decades of the 20th century...

    How to conceptualise the activist work of those who refuse Zionism? In the meantime, this activist work need to be seen as a work of cultural preparation. At present, this is an important contribution to the process of decolonising Palestine.

  • My daughter, these are tears of struggle

    , by Bassem Tamimi

    This night too, like all the nights since dozens of soldiers raided our home in the middle of the night, my wife Nariman, my 16-year-old daughter Ahed and Aheds cousin Nur will spend behind bars. Although it is Aheds first arrest, she is no stranger to your prisons. So her own arrest was just a matter of time. An inevitable tragedy waiting to happen. In this situation, the greatest duty of me and my generation is to support her and to make way; to restrain ourselves and not to try to corrupt and imprison this young generation in the old culture and ideologies in which we grew up.


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