Anti-Zionism is a rejection of racism and imperialism, not just criticism of Israel - comments Anti-Zionism is a rejection of racism and imperialism, not just criticism of Israel 2021-05-30T02:27:59Z 2021-05-30T02:27:59Z <p>Thank you for this pointed commentary that pushes the dialog further on the issues of Zionism and anti-Zionism. I was hoping you might be willing to direct me toward further commentary on one point. You write :</p> <p>The idea was always to give strategic access to the Mediterranean coast while denying it to Palestinians, with the exception of the Gaza ghetto, while expelling Palestinians to British-created Jordan. This colony would perpetually tie that outpost, with existential dependency, to imperialism. Thus, whatever the subjective intentions of non-political Zionists during the era of colonization and settlement, they were taking part in and contributing to a broader colonial project. A rejection of all forms of Zionism, not just political, is thus critical to true solidarity grounded in justice, anti-racism, and anti-imperialism.</p> <p>Could you direct me toward material that discusses non-political forms of Zionism, and why exactly it was "taking part and contributing to a broader colonial project" ? I do not know much about the history of these parts of Zionism, and do not expect you to write a lengthy explanation for me, but if it is easy to send me a link to some good materials, I would be very appreciative.</p> <p>Thank you again for your analysis !</p> Anti-Zionism is a rejection of racism and imperialism, not just criticism of Israel 2020-10-06T18:11:37Z 2020-10-06T18:11:37Z <p>Great article which should form the basis of an infosheet and maybe a website similar to the #DroptheADL campaign/website and have those same signatories sign on to a pledge rejecting Zionism.</p> <p>Also you have your smoking gun with Charles Henry Churchill as far as how Zionism was already a British imperial plan well before it became an explicit Jewish led settler colonial project.</p> <p><a href="" class="spip_url spip_out auto" rel="nofollow external"></a></p> <p>"In the early 1840s, as British consul in Damascus responsible for Ottoman Syria (including today's Palestine) under Lord Palmerston's Foreign Office, he proposed the first political plan to create a Jewish State (Israel) in Palestine.</p> <p>The proposal correspondence with Sir Moses Montefiore, the President of the Board of Deputies of British Jews, in which Churchill proposed a strategy for the creating of a Jewish state, pre-dating formal Zionism by approximately half a century. The correspondence came in the wake of the Oriental Crisis of 1840, the Damascus affair of 1840 and the acceleration of the Eastern Question by the successful European-backed Greek War of Independence which had concluded ten years earlier."</p> Anti-Zionism is a rejection of racism and imperialism, not just criticism of Israel 2020-10-06T18:11:06Z 2020-10-06T18:11:06Z <p>Great article which should form the basis of an infosheet and maybe a website similar to the #DroptheADL campaign/website and have those same signatories sign on to a pledge rejecting Zionism.</p> <p>Also you have your smoking gun with Charles Henry Churchill as far as how Zionism was already a British imperial plan well before it became an explicit Jewish led settler colonial project.</p> <p><a href="" class="spip_url spip_out auto" rel="nofollow external"></a></p> <p>"In the early 1840s, as British consul in Damascus responsible for Ottoman Syria (including today's Palestine) under Lord Palmerston's Foreign Office, he proposed the first political plan to create a Jewish State (Israel) in Palestine.</p> <p>The proposal correspondence with Sir Moses Montefiore, the President of the Board of Deputies of British Jews, in which Churchill proposed a strategy for the creating of a Jewish state, pre-dating formal Zionism by approximately half a century. The correspondence came in the wake of the Oriental Crisis of 1840, the Damascus affair of 1840 and the acceleration of the Eastern Question by the successful European-backed Greek War of Independence which had concluded ten years earlier."</p>