Afrique du nord

5 articles

  • Guich Oudaya: Does securitisation guarantee the right toproperty in Morocco?

    , by Amine Belghazi, Mohamed Sammouni, Mupresse

    The Oudaya Gulch lands have been titled and registered in the name of the Oudaya Gulch community, which gives them final and unassailable status. However, in defiance of all applicable laws and decrees on the subject, these lands have for several decades been subject to predation in which the administrative, economic and political spheres have been incestuously intertwined, making Bouazza and thousands of other descendants of the guich orphans of their land.

  • Orient XXI

    , by Orient XXI

    The Orient XXI newspaper was created in October 2013 by Alain Gresh, former editor of Le Monde diplomatique. It is dedicated to "the East" from Morocco to Afghanistan. It publishes one article per day in French, twice a week in Arabic and once in English. Its editorial board includes journalists and researchers, teachers and former diplomats.

  • Alternatives Espace Citoyen - Niger

    , by Alternatives Espaces Citoyen - Niger

    As an experienced actor of the Nigerian civil society, engaged at national and international level in the dynamics of social forums and collective mobilizations, the association Forum Alternatives Espace Citoyens has been gradually advocating, raising awareness and challing the authorities for a public questioning on the issue of the departure of young migrants towards the Maghreb. The association Alternatives Espaces Citoyens carries out communication work to raise awareness of the situation of migrants.

    Alternatives Espace Citoyen

info nb sites

  • EFRR

    EFRR hosts community meetings with refugees every 2 months in different places across Egypt. (...)
  • Afrique XXI

    Nous sommes des journalistes, des universitaires et des militantes et militants associatifs (...)
  • Assafir Al-Arabi

    Assafir Al-Arabi (AsA) is an independent media platform. Its mission is to present (...)
  • Arab Reform Initiative

    L’Initiative de réforme arabe est un groupe de réflexion arabe indépendant qui travaille avec (...)