Elsewhere on the web

The section « Elsewhere on the web » proposes each month, one or two texts selected according to their interest in supplying the general debate on the situation and the alternatives from the perspective of social movements. A link to the first publication website will be posted on each article. This section is supplemented by texts proposed by partner sites, not exceeding one or two texts per site and per month.

The Headlines

Publications selected by Intercoll

July celebrates the first month of the Constitutional Council

, by La Neta

The first month of work of the Constitutional Council is coming to an end and with it, the discussion in the commissions of the amendments presented to the draft bill, which can be submitted until July 17, is approaching. But, how do they evaluate their first month of work? What do they expect? We leave you with the experiences of eight councilors.

Migration, a revolution in the making

, by MASSIAH Gus

We are experiencing a turning point in the long history of migration. The history of migration merges with the history of mankind; it is part of the long, shaping history of the human race. This history began in Africa with the migrations of Neanderthals and Homo Sapiens. Migrants are not (...)

Chile: the triumph of pinochetism and the crossroads of the Left

, by Pablo Abufom

In the referendum held on September 4, 2022, 62% of the Chilean population rejected the draft for a new constitution that had been drawn up by the exceptionally democratic Constitutional Convention over the course of 2021 and 2022. On December 15 of the same year, the parties represented in (...)

Bangladesh: Crisis of Identity, Consolidation of Power

, by Nafis H

In the latest iteration of the Bengali vs Muslim identity debate, a Supreme Court lawyer served a legal notice on April 9, 2023 to Bangladeshi authorities to prohibit the Mongol Shobhajatra – the iconic procession for Bengali New Year (Noboborsho) – from taking place as part of the (...)

The Convention on the Right to Development on the right track

, by CETIM

Geneva, May 31st – From 15 to 19 May 2023, the 24th session of the Intergovernmental Working Group on the Right to Development was held in Geneva to examine the second revised draft convention on this right. The CETIM took an active part in the debates.

Sandinista and Zapatista Cooperatives: Two Ideas of Socialism

, by Bernard Duterme

Between the Sandinista National Liberation Front (FSLN) of the Nicaraguan revolution and the Zapatista National Liberation Army (EZLN) of the Chiapas rebellion, there are many similarities and differences. At the heart of these two socialist experiences, cooperative forms play a key role, (...)

An Ecological and Democratic Social Movement

, by MASSIAH Gus

In 2023, France has entered a new period of social and political crisis. The crisis has highlighted the social, ecological and democratic contradictions. The mobilizations are significant. The social movement against the pension reform is continuing. The ecological protest has become more (...)

Most read

The Left and Venezuela – "If the diagnosis of a reactionary coup is correct, the position of the left should not give rise to disagreements"

, by Claudio Katz

The media keep silent about the violence of the Venezuelan opposition and the prevailing repression by the right-wing governments of Latin America. The Right’s strategy of an institutional coup faces serious limits, but the Left must address this new threat, supporting anti-imperialist decisions and making a distinction between the capitalist boycott and the government’s ineffectiveness.

Adhering to social-democratic standards, the post-progressive “critical left” objects to Chavismo, dismissing the danger of a coup, and mistakenly identifying authoritarianism as the main danger. The dogmatists overlook the main enemy and converge with the conservatives or slip toward passive neutrality.

The Right only wants elections it is sure it will win. In these very adverse conditions, the Constituent Assembly re-opens opportunities and points to a re-encounter with radical intellectual thought.

Movements strategy and emancipation project

, by MASSIAH Gus

We are experiencing a period of considerable turmoil and great uncertainty. We are probably experiencing a change of epoque, during which old trends try to hold on rigidly, initiating new trends. Antonio Gramsci (the Italian Marxist theorist and politician)’s quote is pertinent: "The old world (...)

The need for a new development paradigm

, by MESTRUM Francine

‘We need to put the world back on track’! The objective of the SDG-summit to be held at the UN General Assembly Meeting in September in New York is very clear. Halfway on the road to 2030, the end date for the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, the future looks rather bleak.