
The presentations of citizen actions and mobilizations are offered by partner sites and working groups. They help highlight engaged mobilizations and those to come. They show the strategies and action programs adopted and implemented by the social movements.

The Headlines

Latest mobilizations

MORIA Burns – Is this a Final Wake-Up Call?

, by Groupe de Travail TPP/Mobilisation, TNI

Moria is burning. This horror in the heart of Europe has been denounced as early as 2015 by dozens of organizations. At the time of the fire, 13 thousand people were locked in a prison of mud, rubbish and violence.

This situation is indicative of the overall policy of necropolitics practiced by the European Union and its member states towards migrant and refugee peoples and is combined with the policy of militarised externalisation of borders.

Global Dialogue for Systemic Change

In the face of growing health, social, economic, political and environmental crises, many networks, organizations, and social movements are engaged in national, regional, continental and worldwide discussions on the challenges in front of us. The aim of the Global Dialogue for Systemic Change is to support this process, creating stronger links among activist groups and social movements, and bringing in a wider range of activists and organisations from Africa, Asia, South and North America and Europe.

The Aegean and Balkan routes are crimes against humanity

The depth, extension and intensity of the deterioration over the last several weeks of the already dramatic situation of the hundreds of thousands of migrants - across the scenarios of the Aegean and the Balkan routes, with the concurrent responsibilities of Turkey, Greece, and the European (...)