
23 articles

  • Andalucía Acoge

    , by Andalucía Acoge

    The general objective of Andalucía Acoge is to encourage the integration of immigrants into the host society and the promotion of interculturality, understood as the positive relationship of communication between people of different cultures coexisting in the same geographical area.


    , by ARACEM

    ARACEM (association of refouled from Central Africa in Mali) and an association for the gathering and reception of all the refouled/deported Central African nationals now living in West Africa. Its objective is to consolidate the links of solidarity and mutual aid.

  • Let us Build a Global Pact of Solidarity for the Rights of Migrant and Refugee Peoples

    , by Collectif

    The EU Pact on Migration and Asylum, recently presented by the European Commission (EC) in Brussels (September 23), turns human migratory movements into crimes and migrants and refugees into potential criminals. To fight this necropolitics, the affected communities of migrant and refugee peoples, together with the movements, networks and organisations propose a Global Pact of Solidarity for the Rights of Migrant and Refugee peoples.

4 sections