
40 articles

  • Mekong Migration Network

    , by Mekong Migration Network

    The Mekong Migration Network (MMN) aims to carry out regional advocacy work with the Mekong governments to influence the politicians and forces involved in the rights of migrants and to influence the way in which migrants are perceived in the host societies, especially in Thailand, the main host country in the Mekong region. The MMN organizes a publication and documentation work to generate knowledge on migration policies and practices in order to foster advocacy work.


  • Center for Migrant Advocacy

    , by CMA

    CMA works to protect and promote the rights and dignity of Filipino migrant workers through advocacy and assistance to migrants in distress.


  • Migreurop

    , by Migreurop

    Migreurop is a European and African network of activists and researchers whose aim is to publicize and combat the widespread detention of foreigners and the multiplication of camps, which is at the heart of the European Union’s outsourcing policy


  • Centre d’Informations et d’Etudes sur les Migrations Internationales

    , by CIEMI

    CIEMI is an organisation aiming at "raising awareness, through documentation, information, publishing and training, to international migration as a factor of transformation and reconstruction of the social, cultural and religious landscape of national societies". The activities of CIEMI can be divided into several areas: the collection of specialized documentation on international migration and making it available to the public in the form of a library; the publication of the bimonthly journal Migrations Société, as well as books on subjects related to migration; formative interventions and awareness-raising initiatives on topics of human mobility; support for campaigns for the recognition of immigrants, their integration and the fight against discrimination.


  • TERRA network

    , by Réseau TERRA

    Since 2003, the TERRA scientific network has developed research in the humanities, in the modern sense (arts, humanities and social sciences), on the the field of forced migrations, refugees, asylum law, life in exile, the place of foreigners in society ... and, consequently, cultural relations to otherness, so-called issues of race, class, gender, age and other conditions or "identities" (real, perceived or imputed), as well as on the subjects at the intersection of these issues, the forms of rejection and symbolic and political domination, and the resulting inequalities and exit policies .


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