
40 articles

  • Alternatives Espace Citoyen - Niger

    , by Alternatives Espaces Citoyen - Niger

    As an experienced actor of the Nigerian civil society, engaged at national and international level in the dynamics of social forums and collective mobilizations, the association Forum Alternatives Espace Citoyens has been gradually advocating, raising awareness and challing the authorities for a public questioning on the issue of the departure of young migrants towards the Maghreb. The association Alternatives Espaces Citoyens carries out communication work to raise awareness of the situation of migrants.

    Alternatives Espace Citoyen

  • Africa Unite

    , by Africa Unite

    Africa Unite is an organisation of human rights and youth mobilization based in South Africa. The aim of the association is to help build local communities and immigrants in the Cape and Durban regions. Africa Unite has links with youth groups in many African countries. The blog and website of the association are spaces of mobilization of the migrant youth and South African on the stakes of xenophobia and social cohesion.

    Africa Unite

  • Centro de Direitos Humanos e Cidadania do Imigrante

    , by CDHIC

    The CDHIC is a civil society organization created in 2009 in Brazil to defend the human rights of migrants. The association intends to contribute to influencing the migration policies of Brazil and at the regional level. In this sense, the CDHIC ensures a systematic follow-up of migratory flows, migration conditions and public policies. In recent years, it has become a recognized interlocutor of the public authorities in terms of advocacy and interpellation for the improvement of Brazilian migration policy. The CDHIC website aims to be a forum for debate and citizen mobilization on migration issues in Latin America.


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