This Thursday, May 17 opens in Montreal the "Great Transition", a rather exceptional event that awaits more than 1000 people. Yes you read correctly, there is not a 0 too much.

The initiative has a certain depth, since it was set up by student-teacher collectives in several Quebec universities.
For this meeting, the idea of "transition" becomes a process, an obstinate and daily struggle and at the same time a set of "pre-figurative" experiments. Hence the strong desire to create movements and parties that are tools of emancipation, not levers to allow "managers and skilled" to take the place of others. Hence the need to bring to the forefront and give voice to the invisible and inaudible of history, women, natives, refugees, the damned of the earth of all kinds to begin with this huge "precariat" , especially young, especially female. Hence the need to rethink the economy out of the shackles of false growth and false progress, by restoring another relationship with Pachamama, which requires not to consider it as a "resource".