The World Social Forum on Migrations (WSFM) will take place in Mexico from 2 to 4 November, 2018. The forum is part of a broader process of mobilizations:
- The Migrant Caravan that crossed from Tunisia to Italy and France, in coordination with the Central America Caravan by Mothers of Mesoamerica.
- The Together for Another Global Compact dynamic (in September 2018 with actions in sanctuary cities) as part of the Global Compact on Migrations and Refugees, carried out by the UN since 2015 and with a major multilateral meeting in New York in December 2018. Many civil society networks have taken up the debate and taken critical positions in this framework.
- The Summit of Migrant Caravans and Mothers of Missing Migrants, to take place from 2 to 4 November as part of the World Social Forum on Migrations.
- The Stop the Wall march to the Mexican-US border (9 November 2018.)
- World Global Mobility Day (date to be confirmed in the week of 10 and 18 December 2018, between Global Human Rights Day and Global Migrants Day.)
- The meeting of the International Council of the World Social Forum (5 or 6 November 2018, TBC) to mark the 50th anniversary of the Tlatelolco massacre.
These mobilizations are activities or processes that will be present at the World Social Forum on Migrations in Mexico, in solidarity with other national and regional processes (for example, the general state of migrations and the Permanent People’s Tribunal on the Violation of Migrants’ Rights in Europe).
Thematic focus
Seven thematic focuses have been defined to date by the International Committee of the WSFM and the National Facilitation Committee in Mexico and their various working groups.
- Human rights, workers’ rights and trade union rights, social inclusion, hospitality and mobility.
- Realities of borders, walls and other barriers.
- Resistances, actors, movements and collective actions.
- The systemic crisis of capitalism and its consequences for migration.
- Migration, gender and body.
- Migration, the rights of Mother Nature, climate change and North-South disputes.
- Population of organized migrants and diasporas as actors of change.
The Forum takes up the guidelines promoted by previous Social Forums on Migrations, the World Conference of Peoples for a World Without Walls and a Universal Citizenship (Bolivia, June 2017) and the Vatican’s proposals on migration and refuge.
Various coordinated actions have also been defined with actors who have been supporting the New York Declaration since 19 September 2016 (protestant churches of Asia Pacific, global human rights experts, academics and defenders network).
The World Social Forum on Migrations has a vision of migration based on respect, equality, recognition and valuing of differences, in rejection of a perspective founded on detection, deportation, detention, displacement and denial of migrations. The Forum proposes a horizontal, self-managed, decentralized process.
We will soon be inviting you to tell us about your activities and register your proposals for the Global Social Forum on Migrations in Mexico.
To follow us and contact us on social media:
www.fsmm2018.org Facebook @FSMM2018 Twitter @FSMM2018
Migrate, resist, build, transform.
Migrating together, migrating the system