For a pharmaceutical industry under popular control and a free, universal and public vaccination system.
You can fin the list of signatures here, it has been updated to day, we have more than 250 signatures of organizations : []
We will keep on collecting signatures until 7th June 2021 so that we will be able to make public the signatures just before the new WTO Summit (9th June) which discuss the patent waiver
We are collecting 2 types of signatures: 1/ different types of organizations (not political parties)
2/ Individuals who want to support the manifesto: members of the parliament, spokespersons of political organizations, of trade unions, of different types of associations, and also writers, journalists, singers, film makers, activists, ETC.
To present individuals signatures: First name, Name, Quality (MP or writer or spokersperson of...) Country (+ email, the email will not be published of course)
SEND the signatures to : and
The Manifesto has been published on 18th May by Le Monde (Paris), Le Soir (Brussels), (Madrid), Tageblatt (Luxemburg), Samay (Calcutta). Mexico’s main left-wing daily newspaper La Jornada reported it on its front page.
The Manifesto has been translated in 13 languages