Enda Tiers Monde

, by  Enda Tiers Monde

ENDA Tiers monde was created in 1972 by mens and womens who believed in the possibility to build a development that respects the environment and seeks social justice for everyone. Enda’s history was for a long time linked to the trajectory of Jacques Bugnicourt, one of its founder and executive secretary untill 2002. Its culture of rejection and non-conformity have inspired the organization’s collective leadership and many generation of young intellectuals in Africa and elsewhere who are shaping the thoughts and discourses of many international organisations and institutions. Enda was first conceived as a project of the African institute for economic development and planification (IDEP), initiated by the pr Samir Amin (who was then its director), and with the financial support of the PNUE. from the late 1970s onwards, enda progressively became an internatinal non-gouvernemental organization, that, for nearly 30 years, has used unsuspected resources to tell the story of this ever-increasing poverty, preserve an environment that was deteriorating in relative indifference, and promote a citizenship that is essential for making appropriate decisions in line with the interests of the poorest. Enda was pioneer in its methods and themes of intervention, and served as an exemple for many organizations that are still present today in what we now call the development.

Progressively, the organisation established in Latin America (Colombia, Bolivia, Dominican Republic, Brasil, Haiti), in Asia (Vietnam, India), in East-Africa (Ethiopia), in the Indian Ocean (Madagascar), in North-Africa (Marocco, Tunisia), in Central-Africa (Cameroun), in Austral Africa (Zimbabwe). But the major part of its actvities took place during nearly 45 years in Senegal and West-Africa (Mali, Burkina-Faso, Guinea Bissau, Nigeria, etc.).

Since 2012, Enda is now organized in a network of autonomous entities who are conducing projects and programs in the development area, with an executive secretariat to ensure the coordination and the animation of the network, as well as the construction of collective actions.

View online : Enda Tiers Monde
