In this month of October 2021, the hip hop and social movements working group returns with a selection of clips, interviews and reports highlighting committed artists from all walks of life. On the programme: a committed Afghan rapper, a collective of Peruvian artists, an album honouring the memory of Canada’s indigenous peoples, an interview with the Lebanese rapper El Rass and many others.
Sonita Alizadeh is an Afghan rapper who has committed herself, through her songs, against the forced marriage of young girls in her country.
France Culture report on this "artivist":
France Culture report on this "artivist" :
Her video Bride for sale has nearly 1,5 million views on YouTube :
Report on the Canadian rapper Samian who releases his 5th album composed almost entirely in Algonquin, a language spoken by some indigenous communities. About 150,000 Amerindian, Métis and Inuit children, forcibly conscripted until the 1990s into 139 residential schools across the country, were cut off from their families, their language and their culture. Several hundred unmarked graves were discovered near residential schools this summer.
Video project with the participation of 31 activists of the Hip-Hop movement in Lima. Made in 2016 as part of the documentary "Protestas, Propuestas, y Procesos: Solidaridad y resistencia contra-cultural, Lima-Perú". Par Palante BBK, 31 August 2016.
Feature : A Political History of Sound Systems

From the Jamaican dance halls of the 50’s to the Breton raves of 2020 to the Brixton riots of 1981: A musical and political introduction in 18 musical extracts.
Mountains of speakers; packs of amps, preamps, mixers; sharp and exclusive music selections; massives ready to travel hundreds of miles to see their favourite crew play. Much more than a mobile sound system with overpowering bass, the Sound System is a cultural, social, economic and political phenomenon, typically Jamaican, which has marked the history of the island, but also of the British metropolis, colonised the world and changed the face of music forever (rap and remix, for example, come directly from this culture). We dive into the heart of dancehalls at a time when dancing has never been so political.
Clip of the song "Vendas caerán" by Peruvian rappers Dennis Elescano & Parke Zc (Qallariy Llajta)

Interview with Lebanese rapper El Rass who talks about his inspirations, commitments and Arabic-speaking rap, conducted by BBoyKonsian in February 2015.
Tijeras, Billie Brelok’s latest video released in late November 2017, is an egotrip inspired by Peruvian scissor dancers. The clip, shot in Lima by Pacha and edited in the 92 by Flowmotion, introduces us to Torbellina (little Tourbillone), scissor dancer and actress, and her little sister Tormentita (little storm).
Brochure by Billie Brelok & Palante, published on 5 December 2017.