Antigone ces 60 derniers jours

Against a political power that represented hatred, cruelty and injustice, Antigone in the tragedy of Sophocles in the 5th century BC. resisted, obeying the voice of her conscience. Τhis attitude towards life inspires the organization “ANTIGONE -Information and Documentation Center for Racism, Ecology, Peace and Non-Violence” (ANTIGONE). In a world dominated by powerful economic interests and overflowing with injustice, hatred, racism and selfishness, the answer cannot be war, conflict and cynicism, but love for fellow human beings, life, the planet.

The non-violent resistance of a brave woman to power was a moral duty, which served the need for someone to honor his/her state “υψίπολις” and not to be someone who is not a citizen of any state “άπολις”, that is, -according to Sophocles- to combine the laws of his city with the justice of the gods, the sense of justice. It is from a corresponding moral debt and feelings of love and solidarity that all of us who participate in our own “ANTIGONE” are motivated.

“ANTIGONE – Information and Documentation Center for Racism, Ecology, Peace and Non-Violence” is a non-profit organization with headquarters in Thessaloniki and a branch in Athens. Since its inception in 1993, “ANTIGONE” has been active in issues related to racism and discrimination, human rights, ecology, peace and non-violent conflict resolution.

“ANTIGONE” develops actions aiming at ensuring the equal participation of all without any discrimination due to gender, race, ethnic or social origin, disability, color, religion, age, sexual orientation, etc. With a focus on solidarity and immediate activation, it seeks to contribute to the creation of appropriate conditions for all people to take an active role in the fields of social, economic and cultural life. Also, the main goal of the organization is to inform and raise awareness of the wider community on issues of non-discrimination, human rights, social ecology, non-violence and multiculturalism.

“ANTIGONE” develops actions in collaboration with various social groups based on their own needs, which the organization constantly tries to listen to, coming into daily contact with them and responding with conscience and practical solidarity to its social work. In this context, it implements actions of support, social integration with educational seminars and vocational training workshops, but also seminars for tackling stigma and exclusion, which are addressed to vulnerable social groups, such as those of immigrants – refugees and migrants, Roma, inmates and those who are under social inclusion. People with disabilities, the long-term unemployed and others, etc., as well as experiential workshops for mental/emotional empowerment for women victims of violence, inmates etc.

An important part of the action of “ANTIGONE” is the information and the raising of awareness on human rights issues, which takes place in schools and other social and cultural spaces.

Since January 2002 and every year, “ANTIGONE” organizes the National Round Table against Discrimination, Racism and Xenophobia. It has a regular annual presence in the anti-racist festivals of Thessaloniki and Athens and in corresponding events while it participates in networks of organizations established at local, national and international level, but also co-organizes or participates in informative events, festivals, international youth exchanges. Volunteering is promoted more widely as a way of life, involving volunteers in activities that suit their interests and needs. Volunteering is promoted more widely as a way of life, involving volunteers in activities that suit their interests and needs. In the field of research on racism and immigration, “ANTIGONE” has conducted detailed studies on employment, education, immigrant housing, legislation and racist violence, on issues of minorities, immigrants and other social groups. It also conducts case studies on examples of good and bad practices in the fight against racism, xenophobia and anti-Semitism.

Voir en ligne : Antigone


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