Assafir Al-Arabi ces 60 derniers jours

Assafir Al-Arabi (AsA) is an independent media platform.

Its mission is to present first-hand analysis of issues at stake in the Arab world by actors on the ground who are deeply rooted, concerned and involved in their societies, in clear, accessible language.

The objective is to catalyze expression and reveal the often hidden but authentic realities facing the people of the entire Arab region without exception or censorship.

Our mission is to shed light on these movements and projects and to make them visible to our readers all over the globe, through the material we produce with our extensive network of writers, most of whom are young women and men. Their youth is a particularity that proves regeneration, signaling lively and enthusiastic resistances to the devastation, and the refusal of being bashed or put down by the circumstances, in spite of the (truly enormous) resources invested precisely in making this devastation a confirmed reality. And, the not-so-young among our writers are here with us because they were able to survive the frustrations and retain their beliefs in change, by virtue of the small glimmers of light they may have witnessed every once in a while, along their lifetimes.

Voir en ligne : Assafir Al-Arabi


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