Safety and Rights Society - SRS ces 60 derniers jours

Safety and Rights Society (SRS) is a local not-for-profit organization, registered under both the Societies Registration Act 1860 (no. 10280, Date : 8 October 2009) and Foreign Donation (Voluntary Activities) Regulation Ordinance 1978 (no. 2659, Date : 29 September 2011), concerned with improving workplace conditions and promoting consumer and public safety in Bangladesh.

Vision : Workplaces compliant with the law and providing workers decent conditions

Mission : Safety and Rights Society’s mission is to ensure workers and public rights through enforcing laws and regulations.


I. To promote the improvement of workplace health and safety and other working conditions in Bangladesh
ii. To assist dependent families and injured workers gain compensation for workplace death and injury according to Bangladesh law.
iii. To promote the enforcement of labour rights under the laws of Bangladesh
iv. To improve the health and safety of the public through improved regulation of consumer, environment and transport safety

Voir en ligne : Safety and Rights Society - SRS


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